Saturday, June 12, 2010

Titus' Last Day of School

Titus and I the first day of school! Tears to let him go!
Titus' last day of school. Tears at how much he's grown up! I was so touched by your growth this year Titus! Your heart toward those around you, your prayer time at lunch with Evan. Your ability to stay strong when there was a lot of opportunities to misbehave! I am so proud of you buddy! I love this picture of you and Lara! I can't believe you have known each other since you were 8 months. God has blessed us with very special friends! So proud of you T-man!!

1 comment:

  1. such sweet pics, he is totally growing up - I can't believe he's already a 2nd grader. Lara looks 13 in this picture, she is soooo pretty! XOXO
